Self-translating wine labels prototype opens up doors

By December 30, 2020March 17th, 2021Blog

Concept interest hitting from around the world

This is a shortened version of the translating wine App article published on Winerytale website


AR boosting accessibility as well as sales

Wine drinking can be a cultural experience of its own and location-based self-translating wine labels have just made it easier to reach wine lovers across the world. A combination of artificial intelligence and augmented reality in the groundbreaking new platform Winerytale has hit the right spot, enabling translation of the labels of wines in more than eighty languages.

The technology has many uses = Using an augmented reality app, tourists will be able to understand every billboard they see in Tokyo, marketing products and helping anyone of any language with directions in the massive city.


BEERSCANS™ is a groundbreaking concept, using augmented reality, to create a virtual experience from every beer. The company was founded by Matt Hallberg, Luke Chaffey, and Dave Chaffey – three recognized specialists in their respective fields of augmented reality, software development, and digital marketing strategy.


Media liaison: Dave Chaffey, Founding Partner.  Media enquiries are welcome and can be made via BEERSCANS™ media center


About Immertia

Immertia is a leader in end-to-end augmented reality packaging – extending the consumer experience and enabling brands to connect from every label.